With 90 percent of seafood consumed in the U.S. imported from other countries

Working Waterfront

Globalized seafood market clashes with sustainability

In his award-winning book The Mortal Sea, historian Jeffrey Bolster detailed the 19th century decline of Northwest Atlantic fisheries, a tragedy encouraged and hidden by expansion to new waters, and advances in harvesting and processing technology that kept markets overflowing with seafood. As Bolster described it, “The market masked the… SEE MORE
Lincolnville Beach.

Working Waterfront

Grants available for coastal towns

The state’s Maine Coastal Program is seeking applications for a new round of coastal grants for fiscal year 2017. The grants are for municipal and regional projects in Maine’s coastal zone. The two types of available grants are Coastal Communities Grants and Shore and Harbor Management Grants. Funding for these… SEE MORE
Shellfish aquaculture is a growing marine-based business.

Working Waterfront

Fishermen can diversify income, presenters say

Jon Rogers started lobstering in 1967 as a child, with his grandfather. He moved on to gillnetting, shrimping, bluefin fishing and swordfishing on Georges Bank, interspersed with lobster fishing. Still, he said, “I reached a point where I was looking to do something different.” When he heard about oyster and… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Where on the coast?

This week's mystery harbor is in the heart of the Midcoast. The perspective is a bit unusual, but it's still one of the most photographed and recognized harbors, so no hints this time. The first five who email us the correct identification at WhereOnTheCoast@gmail.com will receive a copy of the… SEE MORE