A depiction of the new version of The Cat

Working Waterfront

What ‘The Cat’ can do for Portland and Maine

Maine business and government officials are expecting The Cat—the new high-speed catamaran ferry service between Portland and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia—will deliver an economic boost when it begins service on June 15. “I expect it to attract a higher level of use than what we experienced with the Nova Star, and… SEE MORE
A lobster boat returns to port.

Working Waterfront

Lobstering offshore becoming attractive to some

A booming lobster resource, combined with a trend toward larger boats with more horsepower and the latest advances in navigational electronics, has an increasing number of Maine’s lobster fishermen leaving behind the crowded inshore fishing grounds and heading further offshore for a sustained, year-round harvest. “It’s something that’s been evolving… SEE MORE
With 90 percent of seafood consumed in the U.S. imported from other countries

Working Waterfront

Globalized seafood market clashes with sustainability

In his award-winning book The Mortal Sea, historian Jeffrey Bolster detailed the 19th century decline of Northwest Atlantic fisheries, a tragedy encouraged and hidden by expansion to new waters, and advances in harvesting and processing technology that kept markets overflowing with seafood. As Bolster described it, “The market masked the… SEE MORE
Shellfish aquaculture is a growing marine-based business.

Working Waterfront

Fishermen can diversify income, presenters say

Jon Rogers started lobstering in 1967 as a child, with his grandfather. He moved on to gillnetting, shrimping, bluefin fishing and swordfishing on Georges Bank, interspersed with lobster fishing. Still, he said, “I reached a point where I was looking to do something different.” When he heard about oyster and… SEE MORE