Working Waterfront

Lessons for our schools

This issue of The Working Waterfront features three education-themed stories. Our editorial eye on the coast and islands tends to linger on other matters, but we know that healthy schools are the antidote to many of our economic and demographic challenges; their success will help sustain the rich quality of… SEE MORE
Mailboat approaches Monhegan.

Working Waterfront

Oped: Wind energy project bad fit for Monhegan

By Travis Dow Island Institute President Rob Snyder recently wrote a generally supportive piece about offshore wind (The Working Waterfront, February/March issue: “On offshore wind, we weigh community costs, benefits”), including the Maine Aqua Ventus (MAV) project proposed for just off Monhegan. In it, he wrote: “The Island Institute supports… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Letters to the editor: Volcanoes not responsible

Misconception  To the editor: In the December/January edition of The Working Waterfront, letter writer Ivan Hills repeats a widely disseminated piece of misinformation to the effect that volcanoes are responsible for the vast majority of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. He quotes a geologist, Ian Plimer, who claims the eruption of… SEE MORE