A right whale mother and calf

Working Waterfront

Right whales may be bypassing Gulf of Maine

The right whale, one of the world's largest and most-endangered marine mammals, is in a slow, precarious recovery. Population estimates hover around 500, a modest gain from the early 1990s, when the species numbered fewer than 300. International law prohibited hunting right whales beginning in 1949, and U.S. law designated… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

The ticks don’t care

In the 1980s and 1990s when I was teaching at Unity College, the outdoor recreation professors drilled a memorable sentence into every generation of student: “The woods don’t care.” It meant that along with being remarkably beautiful, the forest is remarkably dangerous. The oaks and cathedral-like firs do no more… SEE MORE
Tenants Harbor lobsterman Hale Miller harvests seaweed in Muscle Ridge Channel in Penobscot Bay.

Working Waterfront

Landmark ruling blocks access to seaweed harvesters

A March 16 Washington County Superior Court ruling will allow private landowners to block harvester access to rockweed in the intertidal zone. The ruling is likely to be appealed to the state’s Supreme Judicial Court. The plaintiffs, Washington County landowners Kenneth and Carl Ross and the Roque Island Gardner Homestead Corporation,… SEE MORE