Mailboat approaches Monhegan.

Working Waterfront

Oped: Wind energy project bad fit for Monhegan

By Travis Dow Island Institute President Rob Snyder recently wrote a generally supportive piece about offshore wind (The Working Waterfront, February/March issue: “On offshore wind, we weigh community costs, benefits”), including the Maine Aqua Ventus (MAV) project proposed for just off Monhegan. In it, he wrote: “The Island Institute supports… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Letters to the editor: Volcanoes not responsible

Misconception  To the editor: In the December/January edition of The Working Waterfront, letter writer Ivan Hills repeats a widely disseminated piece of misinformation to the effect that volcanoes are responsible for the vast majority of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. He quotes a geologist, Ian Plimer, who claims the eruption of… SEE MORE