Anna Miller aboard the Ladona.

Working Waterfront

Below decks with a schooner chef

You can hear the laughter before you board the schooner, and the mouth-watering scents of bacon sizzling in butter and right-from-the-oven blueberry muffins nearly make you dizzy as you descend into chef Anna Miller’s domain—the galley of the schooner Ladona (pronounced la-doe-na). The five-foot-tall Miller is all action: stirring butter… SEE MORE
A lobster boat in an early 20th century image.

Working Waterfront

Just the stats—Lobster by the numbers

  The American lobster is the single most valuable species of fish landed in the United States. Over 80 percent of the catch comes from Maine (source: NOAA fisheries reports from 2014 and 2015). Thirty percent of all commercial fishing trips on the East Coast are taken by Maine fishermen—469,000… SEE MORE
A turn-of-the-20th-century photograph of a lobster boat.

Working Waterfront

Lobster worries: Record harvests, but fewer juveniles

Despite an abundance of egg-bearing adult lobsters and record-breaking harvests, the number of young lobsters continues to fall in the Gulf of Maine. That’s the 2016 update from the American Lobster Settlement Index, an international monitoring program founded in 1989 by University of Maine marine scientist Rick Wahle. The settlement… SEE MORE
Lucas Fields

Working Waterfront

A moored boat is only as safe as its line, chain, and shackle

A piece of hardware smaller than a fist is all that stands between that beautiful sailboat, perhaps costing a couple of hundred thousand dollars, and devastating damage from a collision with the rocky shore. Well, there is something else—someone else, actually—standing between that expensive boat and potential disaster. It’s Fields… SEE MORE