Architect Tom Hitchens on the job site.

Working Waterfront

Something old, something hewn…

The interior features new and old wood. “The great thing about something like this is that it solves any interior design issues, because it is the interior design,” said Tom Hitchins, the architect on the project. “The frame is the point.” From the exterior, the house, located in Winter Harbor… SEE MORE
Bernd Heinrich talks birds

Working Waterfront

When art met science

Sometime back in January, Maine Audubon announced that the renowned entomologist, ultra-marathoner, University of Vermont emeritus biology professor and acclaimed author Bernd Heinrich would be speaking about “the nexus of art and science” at its Field Pond Center in Holden. A few weeks later, a follow-up email arrived: due to… SEE MORE
Tarah Waters

Working Waterfront

Arts booster finds Eastport ‘stunning, mysterious’

In September, Tarah Waters began work in Eastport as an Island Fellow through the Island Institute (publisher of The Working Waterfront). Waters is a Colorado native and graduate of Salve Regina University in Newport, R.I. with a B.A. in international studies. SEE THE SLIDESHOW Her work is focused on Eastport’s… SEE MORE
Ashley Bryan holds a copy of Beautiful Blackbird

Working Waterfront

Ashley Bryan reminds us: ‘Beautiful are the souls of my people’

The award-winning children’s book author and illustrator Ashley Bryan from Islesford (Little Cranberry Island) often concludes his storytelling performances with a remarkable recitation of Langston Hughes’s poem “My People,” asking his audience to repeat the lines after him. Everyone goes away with the last line echoing in their heads: “Beautiful,… SEE MORE