Passengers board a Casco Bay Lines ferry in Portland. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

From here to there: why transportation matters

The people who live on Maine’s 15 unbridged, year-round islands are inspiring and a model of resilience. Despite the many logistical and resource-based challenges they experience from living separated from the mainland, they find solutions through cooperation and pure genius. Perhaps no other topic highlights this better than island transportation.… SEE MORE
A pavilion at one of the parks that is part of Cobscook Shores. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

More land conserved Downeast

Cobscook Shores, a nonprofit organization run by a millionaire philanthropist from New York, has purchased another piece of coastal property in Washington County, the latest in a series of parcels in the area bought by the group over the past eight years. Cobscook Shores purchased the former Leighton farm, consisting… SEE MORE
“Island Girl (Sofie Lilian Nathan Dowling),” by Janet Badger; linocut, 2009.

Working Waterfront

A ‘Great’ island portrait project

While artists-in-residence at the Heliker-LaHotan Foundation on Great Cranberry Island in 2009, photojournalist Rebecca Buyers and artist Janet Best Badger teamed up to chronicle the lives and visages of a group of islanders. While Badger drew their portraits, Buyers interviewed them. Their project gained attention and admirers through exhibitions at… SEE MORE
Patty Zimmerman of Peaks Island transports three children from the Mabuie of Mozambique. Several Peaks Island families have taken young people who are recent immigrants from African countries, now living in Portland, into their homes for short- and long-term visits.

Working Waterfront

Peaks Island families welcome New Mainers

[caption id="attachment_38497" align="alignnone" width="700"] From left, Edlazio Antonio, Rita Mena, and Isaac Rodriguez.[/caption] Islanders are no strangers to helping their neighbors. But residents of one Casco Bay island have been going above and beyond by opening their doors to newcomers. Families on Peaks Island have been welcoming New Mainers—recent immigrants—into… SEE MORE