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Working Waterfront

The ‘solastalgia’ of pandemic life

Pete and Alice in Maine By Caitline Shetterly, HarperCollins (2023) REVIEW BY CARL LITTLE The pandemic interrupted the lives of many families, including the foursome that take center stage in Caitlin Shetterly’s first novel, Pete and Alice in Maine. The title’s couple and their daughters, Sophie, 11, and Iris, 5,… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Island crime, battled with humor

Lobsters Without Borders (2022) Don’t Touch My Cocktail! (2023) By Carol Chen Carol Chen, a Camden resident, is debuting as a mystery writer with two books out now, Lobsters Without Borders and Don’t Touch My Cocktail. Both feature “Jane Roberts,” a novice public safety officer working in a small island… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Class clashes and conspiracy logic

Land of Cockaigne By Jeffrey Lewis, Haus Publishing Ltd. (2022) The central thing you need to know about the protagonist family in Jeffrey Lewis’s novel Land of Cockaigne is that they are from away. Walter and Catherine “Charley” Rath arrived in Sneeds Harbor, located somewhere along the rim of Mount… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Fraying family is unwanted ballast

Sailing at the Edge of Disaster: A Memoir of a Young Woman’s Daring Year By Elizabeth W. Garber, Toad Hall Editions (2022) Among the many weird things that were happening during the social upheavals of the 1960s and ’70s, one of the weirdest was the wholesale revolt of children against… SEE MORE
book jacket detail

Working Waterfront

Art, the early years

Telling Stone Maine Authors Publishing (2022) Who were the first artists and why did they make art? Those are the central questions that prompted Scott Dickerson to write Telling Stone. Set in paleolithic times, the novel tells the story of 20-year-old Okyo, a “man apart” in his band of people,… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Listening to the landscape

Notes on the Landscape of Home By Susan Hand Shetterly, Down East Books Notes on the Landscape of Home confirms Susan Hand Shetterly’s status as one of Maine’s and this country’s finest environmental writers. Like Terry Tempest Williams, who lives nearby on the Blue Hill peninsula, Shetterly weaves personal life… SEE MORE