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Category: Arts
Working Waterfront
Finding Finland on Deer Isle
In Kola’s painting of a frigid, windswept, forsaken landscape, that gold-domed rock centers the outcropping, looking almost volcanic in size. SEE MORE
Working Waterfront
Islanders pull off delightful ‘Mathilda’
Over the years I've reviewed books and plays and while I’ve certainly liked some more than others, I have always enjoyed the process. Last week I watched a rendition of Roahl Dahl’s Matilda at Waterman’s Community Center in North Haven. Dahl passed away 34 years before what would seem fair,… SEE MORE
Working Waterfront
Castine Historical Society tells story through objects
Historical Societies exist to tell a community’s history through objects and archival records. The Castine Historical Society’s new exhibition, “A History of Castine in 40 Objects,” opens June 10 and will remain on view through Oct. 14. The exhibition highlights aspects of the town’s history through never-before-displayed objects from its… SEE MORE
Working Waterfront
A librarian weaves a surprisingly tangled web
A book club would have a lot of fun with this, as it can be understood multiple ways. SEE MORE
Working Waterfront
Righting a wrong—Monhegan’s women artists get their due
Over the years, Women Artists of Monhegan Island, or WAMI, held exhibitions in a variety of venues, on and off Monhegan. SEE MORE
Working Waterfront
A photographer who captured artists
Peggy McKenna was one of the artists who was drawn to this part of the state in the 1970s. She settled in Montville along with other artists and “back to the landers.” SEE MORE
Working Waterfront
That New England spirit in literature
grandfather, Sanford “Dick” Lunt.
Writing, producing, and selling Hauling by Hand was a crash course in publishing. Dean Lunt said, “We used that book to learn about book design, cover design, distribution, sales.” SEE MORE
Working Waterfront
On public access: William Landmesser’s ‘The Harvester’
At the time he painted “The Harvester” in 2012, William Landmesser of Stockton Springs remembers that concern about diminishing access to shorefront in Maine was growing. “The boom in waterfront real estate meant potentially much less access by both commercial fishermen and the recreating public,” he recalled. He welcomed legislation… SEE MORE
Working Waterfront
In hot water, in a good way
Hot Springs: Photos and Stories of How the World Soaks, Swims, and Slows Down By Greta Rybus (Ten Speed Press, 2024) Greta Rybus, photographer and author of the new book Hot Springs, introduces readers to some stunning places that are dedicated to allowing people to enjoy the benefits of immersion… SEE MORE