The Maine Coastal Program has awarded $155,050 to support seven waterfront development projects. The funds are awarded through the Shore and Harbor Grant Program (SHIP). The grants provide coastal towns with funds for harbor management, dredging studies, and public access and waterfront planning through municipal and regional projects.
Rockland, $30,000—Downtown waterfront site design and implementation roadmap: develop an integrated plan for a cluster of city-owned properties which will balance public and working waterfront uses, and other commercial uses.
Bowdoinham, $30,000—Waterfront redevelopment of former municipal public works site: create a detailed master site plan and engineering drawings for redevelopment of a waterfront property with local and regional importance.
Brooksville, $29,750—Betsy’s Cove parking lot repair and expansion: plan construction of new sea wall to withstand current and future flooding, storm surge, and sea-level forecasts while creating additional parking.
Deer Isle, $7,800—Right of way discovery project: deed research and legal analysis to provide the basis for establishment of public rights-of-way in three contested locations in Deer Isle.
Stonington, $30,000—enhancement to Stonington Public Landing: plan for expansion and enhanced use of the public landing to meet local needs and foster economic development.
Swan’s Island, $20,000—dock replacement: perform geotechnical investigation for reconstruction of a wharf for safe use by fishermen and others.
Wiscasset, $7,500—recreational pier expansion: survey and engineer town’s recreational pier property and supporting infrastructure to foster economic development.
SHIP is funded through NOAA’s National Coastal Zone Management Program. The grant aim to assist in sound waterfront planning and harbor management, balanced development of shore and harbor areas, planning for waterfront infrastructure improvements, climate resiliency and access to the shore. More information at