In his role as Philanthropy Advocate, Bill serves as a conduit between the Island Institute and its donors. He facilitates these relationships by aligning the mission of the Island Institute and those who fund it. In doing so, he helps grow the Island Institute’s ability to sustain the coast of Maine.
Bill brings many years of fundraising experience in higher education, nonprofit, and healthcare. After graduating from Butler University in Indianapolis, he worked in higher education for universities in Indiana, Washington, and Florida. Afterwards, he led a collegiate-service nonprofit of 10,000 members and a staff of 60. In this role, he guided strategy, fundraising, and managed staff for 15 years.
Born and raised in Indiana, Bill grew up loving the coast of Maine, having visited every year since he was ten years old. For many years, he has had a seasonal camp in Tenants Harbor, and he recently moved to Maine full-time. Bill has a partner and a cat, and he loves running, hiking, music, theater, and sports (especially his alma mater, the Butler Bulldogs). Bill is also passionate about the coast of Maine and supporting its communities.