Sea level rise affects everyone on the Maine coast

Susie Arnold, Ph. D.
Posted 2020-08-12

The Maine Climate Council needs your help! Whether you’re a municipal official, a volunteer on a local sea level rise committee, or a resident concerned about sea level rise in your own town, your feedback is valued, and we invite you to have your voices heard.

The work of the Maine Climate Council has continued throughout the pandemic, and recommended strategies from the Climate Council working groups, including strategies for adapting to sea level rise, have been released for public feedback. Since the bulk of this work was done from March to June, during the peak of the pandemic, we understand that many people had little time or opportunity to provide feedback.

We know you’re busy, and COVID-19 has only made your life more challenging. Social distancing and other safety measures have also created challenges for the Maine Climate Council’s efforts to share their strategies and hear back from you. This summer, the Island Institute and other Climate Council participants are making an extra effort to provide opportunities for you to learn more, share your thoughts, and have your voice heard.

Read on if you’re interested in reviewing, and potentially commenting on, the Maine Climate Council strategies that pertain to sea level rise. Not all strategies or recommendations will be implemented, and this is your opportunity to help the Climate Council prioritize its recommendations this fall.

Sea level rise will affect every resident, business owner, and municipality along the coast of Maine. Please take a few minutes to share your opinions and local perspective.

Click on the report below to read more—surveys are open through August 31st at 5pm!

Thank you!



Susie Arnold is the Marine Scientist at the Island Institute and an appointee to the Maine Climate Council’s Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and Coastal and Marine Working Group. To learn more about the Maine Climate Council and its subcommittes and working groups, click here.